Facilitation of Expert-meeting on 'Abyei's Deadlock: the role of international key actors', in Amsterdam, NL, 11-12 December 2006. The Dutch non-governmental development organisations ICCO, Cordaid and Pax Christi organised a meeting of international key actors regarding the implementation of the Abyei Protocol in an informal and open debate on how the international community could support Sudan in escaping this deadlock. By inviting the experts of the Abyei Boundary Commission (ABC), representatives of the most important countries involved, such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, academic researchers, and non-governmental organisations working in Abyei, the organizing agencies aim at contributing to a common analysis of obstacles, opportunities and clarification of specific roles and responsibilities for NGOs and government actors in the Abyei process. The goal of the meeting was to draft concluding recommendations to all international actors involved.