Raymond Saner and Lichia Yiu
(Summary of the Research Study Report, “Closing policy gaps to enable agripreneurship of smallholder farmers in developing countries”, 2023, Saner & Yiu with Roberts, part of the Working Paper series on Development Policies, FERDI, Paris.
Saner, Raymond and Yiu, Lichia with Roberts, Shuan
“Closing policy gaps to enable agripreneurship of smallholder farmers in developing countries”
FERDI, Paris, June 2023
This study investigates the broader context of smallholder farmers' operations and provides insights into the options that smallholder farmers in poor developing countries have when engaging in agripreneurial undertakings for additional income generation. Such personal agency when effective could support them to alleviate poverty, reduce hunger, and achieve sustainable livelihood. Yet in practice, such personal efforts are often wrought with uncertain outcomes. Therefore an enabling policy environment is necessary to ensure the success of this strategic intervention in lifting and supporting sustainable livelihoods of rural farmers struggling with the precarity of their life situation.
Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)
Working Paper 280, December 2020, Paris
Authors: Raymond Saner, Magdi Farahat, Luca Chiarato and Lichia Yiu
he authors assess to what extent the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) provides assistance to LDCs through its “Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS)” towards more effective trade and development policies. The DTISs raison d’être is to improve LDC’s trade capabilities and - thence - reduce their levels of poverty. A key feature of LDCs economies are their agricultural commodities. DTIS are intended to guide LDCs in increasing the quantity, quality and value-addition of exports of agricultural commodities; creating jobs and increase welfare. Thus, better understanding how products best fit into the global supply and global value chains (GSC/GVC) becomes critical. Our analysis shows that the new guidelines for the DTISs of 2018 do not sufficiently address the Global/Regional Supply and Value Chains.
"Beyond the crisis: The future of the multilateral system" - Seminar organized by the Foundation Ramón Areces and the OECD Development Centre
Madrid, 4-5 October 2010