WHO and Health & Environment: Need to Rethink Role of Civil Society IN A NUTSHELL

By putting governments and WHO under critical lens as for current positions to counteract climate change-tied health & environment deterioration, this article condemns the ongoing exclusion of civil society (CSOs e NGOs) from far-reaching relevant decisions. Under these circumstances, solutions to secure factual cohesion with civil society organisations are envisaged. As the Author maintains ‘…

The Health & Environment nexus requires a real multi-stakeholder approach, not some unnamed heads of government that claim to represent the peoples of the world. The only sustainable approach is that of separate constituencies/stakeholders who develop solutions within their stakeholder group, and once they have formulated their own position, then to reach out to the other stakeholders. It does not make sense to have Civil Society be amalgamated into a government position nor be controlled and absorbed by an International Organisation…

Concretely, in light of the fact that CSOs and NGOs do not have co-decision power at the WHO, it would be best to create an independent voice regrouping CSOs and NGOs who can speak with credibility on health and environment issues…’
