(Strategies and Importance of International Organisations) in the context of the teaching programme on “Globalisation Talks

20220521 Strategies and Importance

Raymond Saner, Titular Professor, University of Basel, WWZ, presentation on 5th November 2021 on “Strategien und Bedeutung Internationaler Organisationen” (Strategies and Importance of International Organisations) in the context of the teaching programme on “Globalisation Talks” of Professor Rold Weder, Dean, Economic Sciences Center (WWZ), Basel

Forced Labor of Migrant Workers on Fishing Ships: Holding Management and Governments Accountable

Raymond Saner & Lichia Yiu, (2021) “Forced Labor of Migrant Workers on Fishing Ships: Holding Management and Governments Accountable”, in Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_4347-1

This article focuses on a very problematic aspect of migration, namely, forced labor of migrants held captive on fishing ships which is a well- known violation of human and labor rights, but despite efforts made by human rights defenders and international organizations, the abusive and sometimes violent treatment of migrant-fishermen continues.

Agricultural Commodities of Ethiopia, Madagascar and Tanzania

Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)
Working Paper 280, December 2020, Paris

Authors: Raymond Saner, Magdi Farahat, Luca Chiarato and Lichia Yiu

he authors assess to what extent the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) provides assistance to LDCs through its “Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS)” towards more effective trade and development policies. The DTISs raison d’être is to improve LDC’s trade capabilities and - thence - reduce their levels of poverty. A key feature of LDCs economies are their agricultural commodities. DTIS are intended to guide LDCs in increasing the quantity, quality and value-addition of exports of agricultural commodities; creating jobs and increase welfare. Thus, better understanding how products best fit into the global supply and global value chains (GSC/GVC) becomes critical. Our analysis shows that the new guidelines for the DTISs of 2018 do not sufficiently address the Global/Regional Supply and Value Chains.

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